Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Grade 10

Here are the guys in grade 9 (we were a year older) hanging out in the caf. Its funny, they look a bit different now, but its shocking how much they haven't changed a zillion years later.

This seems to be a theme for me this week. I guess scanning old photos will do this for you or running into old friends.

My best friend from grade school - who I first met in grade 2 when she sort of invited herself to my party. I'm not sure she actually came because I probably had a limit on the number of people could have, but she might have. I actually remember that party with Carrie and Penny and all of our cabbage patch kids and a couple of girls from the circle.

She's a mom now with an adorable 2 year old. (This being the girl that drove me crazy by teasing me about liking Eric Taylor) We had a really nice visit. My parents were glad to see her too.

Anywho, this is my post for tomorrow. I'll probably post again tomorrow night, but not during the day. The excitement for the next few weeks. . . glasses shopping.



P.S. There is a guest book for Andrew Desmond in the star. A place where people can share their condolances or memories with the family.

P.P.S. For those of you (Geoff) who still haven't done my Johari window. The link is still there on the page. The Johari window for those who don't know what I'm talking about is this cool sort of personality quiz type thing where you have to pick 6 words off a list of about 60 to describe yourself, then other people can come to your site and pick six words from the same list that they think describe you. Its a neat excercise in understanding how you are precieved by others compared to how you precieve yourself. Generally, its a self esteem booster, since most of the choices are positive. Posted by Picasa

Blind Revelations

The nostalgia continues. . .

Okay, here is the set of Blind Revelations circa April 1995. The silouette in the forground is our leader. She's one of those awesome crazy teachers who practically live at school doing extracuricular drama.

There are actually 3 locations visible. The actors are in the mad doctors study or some such place. I'm not sure where the kitchen (centre stage) was, but the fridge and shelves are full of cans that we labelled with generic "post apocalypse government" labels. The ingredients (which I believe I was entirely guilty for) contain things like eyes and frogs legs and rehydrogenated spamwhales or some such - not exactly appettizing stuff. That fridge was still in the lighting room 7 or 8 years later - heck it may still be there today. Memories of the lighting room... there is a sauce for the presidents choice folks. The last set - shaded in the darkness of a cross fade - is the isolation chamber/bedroom for the healthy post apopalyptic guinia pigs. Shamefully, I don't remember more of the story than that. Fun cast. Well written... oh and you have to be a bit careful of your speech in some lines though like "Mass starvation is killing us all" can sound an aweful lot like "Masturbation is killing us all" at least according to the judge.


I should get back to cleaning, cooking, reading and tidying.

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Drama Awards 1994

Here is another amusing picture from highschool.

Points of note:

1. I still wonder what happened to the goldenrod shirt that Erin is wearing. I always kind of hoped to inherit it, but I supect it wouldn't fit.

2. I'm third from the left with glasses and blond wavy hair. Hee hee. Some things do change - my hair is straight and brown nowadays.

3. The gentleman in the red christmas hat was another friend of mine - I have no idea what happened to him. He wrote a crazy one act play that I never got to see, but I think he ended up doing something normal like computer programming.


Jennith Posted by Picasa

The Good Old Days

Well, as a side project I've been trying to scan in some of my old pictures. Seeing as these nearly fill a halfsize rubbermaid container, it'll obviously take me a while. The gentlemen being strangled for the sake of the camera now has long hair, the gentlemen strangling had long hair the last time I saw him and a band called wildcard. That information is about 10 years old though. The third gentleman I have heard through the grape vine has just graduated at the top of the class at U of T Law school. Of the 3, I most expect to see him as the future prime minister of Canada. The red arm belongs to an artistic fellow who I haven't seen in 12 years or so. The picture is 16 years old and taken in grade 9.

So there you go... memories. I've been back to the school once or twice - it still looks remarkably the same.

Other than that, I'm putting around trying to get my room clean for Gabe's return and so I stop tripping over the stacks of sorted photos spread accross the floor and knocking over the ones on the desk. I'm still excited about being a student - which is good. Prolonged excitement is usually for real. My grade school best friend is also coming to visit with her family tonight. I haven't seen her in 8 years - so that'll be a treat. May seems to be the month of the reunion.

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

And the sun rises in the East and Jenn is a student again

Well, its unofficially official - I'm a student again. I have at least progressed past my infatuation with the undergraduate degree and gone onto graduate school. Actually, truth be told I'm absolutely through the roof excited for a million reasons - not the least of which is that I've made a decision and I know what I will be doing more or less for the next 16 or so months. I suppose I should thank (blame) Pete Emerson for his inspiration and future advice, since I'll be playing in streams again this summer. I can only hope that I haven't been completely spoiled by the Mightly Little Main Restigoche. From my initial interaction, I'm pretty sure that I've been lucky to have an amazing supervisor who I think will be an inspiration as well.

Besides, I've always wanted to go to Guelph (even if spelling it is going to make me cross-eyed.) They have good rock climbing, awesome engineering jackets and a long history with various members of my family. So here goes - this is my new adventure and excuse to devour journal articles whole and play with computer software.

I can't post a picture - since I'm in the library and don't have access to my hardrive, but imagine me in business casual with a big grin on my face. :P



Sunday, May 28, 2006

Some things changes and some stay the same

"They came like raindrops against the stone towers of time, but in time, it is always the rain that prevails, not the towers."
The Fool in Robin Hobb's Royal Assassin.

I can't remember the context of this quote, but it is one of my favourites. It speaks of the inevitability of death and sadness with a tone of acceptance. So, I accept what I cannot change - which is part of one of the best bible quotes out there - feel sad and begin to understand why religion is so important to so many people. I've seen a lot of people this week that I never thought to see again - Ralph, Jamie B., Jenn T., Todd, Chrises G and S, John Paul and Jim. They've grown in some ways (height mostly) - yet only a few were unrecognizable and none of their personalities had changed greatly. After the funeral, we spent some time at the family's home - then people went dispersed, changed and went to the Muddy Moose to drink and Karyoke their tributes to Dez. It would have been a nice reunion, but I kept thinking that it would have been better if the one person absent was there. I would have like to say hi to him.

The photo above is another example of things changing - that farm used to be across the road from my house. The land is now a big subdivision with a neighbourhood shopping centre. Even the stop sign has long been replaced with traffic lights. I used to ice skate on the field over there and I have lots of sunrise photos. On the other hand, the sun still rises in the same place and the world keeps turning and heck, it looks like I may have another year of school ahead of me. So, then again - somethings do stay the same.

My best friend from grade school is in Ontario. I'm hoping to see her Tuesday night. Its hard to imagine her all grown up and with a kid, as I haven't seen her in about 9 years. We used to think boys were gross and look at us now. Gabe should be here in a week! I miss him terribly and can't wait to introduce him to everyone.

So there is the nuts and bolts of my life. I've been instructed to clean my room and after playing in the garden - I should probably go clean myself too. I have piles of pictures to scan before I see my desk again :P. I suppose I'll move them first - and start by scanning the highschool ones - my immediate goals.

Take care

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Only Other Picture I Could Find

I searched through boxes of photos and this was all I could find. I might have some pictures that Mrs. LeRiche gave me from drama in an envelope that has some group shots of him. If anyone has any other pictures, I'd love a copy.

This was taken in June 1995 at Elora Gorge where we went hiking. It was a fun trip.

Erin and Joe are the other folks in the picture. I'll keep looking.

The funeral is today and I know that it is going to be rough. I guess you can wish things were otherwise, but some things are beyond anyones ability to change or control. I keep playing back scenes from when we hung out - he seems so vivid and real its hard to imagine him being otherwise. The funeral is at 420 Dundas (between Hurontario and Cawthra) at 2 pm today.

Jenn Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Farewell to a Friend

Sometimes life takes turns that can only be described as unfair, leaving us shocked and saddened. Only a few others have impacted my life as much as Dez and I was hoping to say hello again this week, not goodbye forever. Andrew Desmond was killed with his girlfriend in a terrible motorcycle accident this Monday on their way home. My first real boyfriend, he saw my potential despite my highschool shyness, glasses and untameable hair. He believed in me when I wasn't sure whether to believe in myself and all these years later I'm glad for that gift.

I regret I didn't take more pictures of him. I always loved this one because it showed off his eyes. He had the sort of eyes that you could fall into, gaze into for hours. They were beautiful - blue and sparkling, incongrously angelic and mischievious. I still think of him every time I say "urf!". He had a quirky sense of humour and spoke a language of his own.

I used to watch him play hockey with his dad - a tangle of blond hair under a helmet. I named the tangle "Robert" and drove him nuts by occasionally asking Robert questions. I don't remember how we met. . . he just gradually appeared sometime in the corner of the school where I used to hang out and do my homework at lunch hour until I counted him a friend. He was the kid who brought in a filter when there was a solar eclipse and shared it with everyone. He asked me to dance 5 times at one school dance - I guess I should have guessed that he liked me. They were good days - the last year of highschool. We were a close-knit bunch drama groupies back when plaid and ripped jeans were high fashion and no one had email or msn. During Blind Revelations (A Sears Festival one-act play), I was the stage manager and Dez the assistant stage manager and somewhere along the line we ended up dating - such is high school drama. When I graduated and moved away to Thunder Bay, we gradually lost touch.

Farewell Andrew. I'm sorry I never got to hear you laugh again and more sorry that you won't have the chance to live out your life and dreams. Thank you for believing in me and seeing my strengths and for being my friend when I needed one most. I was always wary of saying the words "I love you" because saying them is like casting a spell and binding your soul forever to that person. Even though we've grown apart over the years and miles between us, I still love you and always will always keep a place for you in my heart. I hope that your path will continue on the other side - albeit with fewer bumps and turns. Journey safely with your good friend knowing that you'll both be missed.


Jenn Posted by Picasa

Andrew Desmond - 1995

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A Last Goodbye

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2003 - December

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Buckhorn Roadtrip

In other excitement, we went to Buckhorn to check out a display put on by a supercool artist - Tim Packer at the Gallery at the Lake. There was also a huge annual craft fair going on and a couple other neat spots. This picture is taken somewhere on the Trent Severn waterway, not far from the highway. The water was high and raging and didn't look warm either.

It was neat driving back roads and seeing parts of Ontario I haven't seen before and spending time with my family.

I finished the Davinci Code today. The second book since the end of school. Never underestimate the time unpacking, job hunting, sorting, moving furniture and hanging out with your family will take. I still haven't gotten my own paints out yet. As for the book, well, it suffered from way too much hype. I actually liked Angels and Demons (the other Dan Brown book better). Overall, they were both sort of okay. I enjoyed reading them, but it was not so great that I'd recomend it to all my closest friends. They'd be great for a long bus ride and I like that the author had lots of short chapters. It was hard to put down owing to good pacing and suspense and there were lots of neat factoids and ideas. Yet - it lacked the kind of depth and character-catharsis that leaves the reader with a lasting fondness for the character. My suggestion - Read Robin Hobb if you haven't already. Her assassin's apprentice series are where you should start, and I've met few people who have not gotten all the way through the first 9 books, that read the first 3. I'm stalling reading her next book, which has been out since October until the second book comes out this September. I might try and stall a bit more - until the third one is in reach, but I might not be able to hold out that long.


Jennith Posted by Picasa

Victoria Day Fireworks

Well, hours ago in the small park near my house - local neighbours put together an impressive show of fireworks. Although, it was almost cooler to see how they drew the neighbours together - gathering in the small park.

There were a few moments when the fireworks display raised eyebrows. One firework - a dragon something - tipped over and shot roman candle-like projectiles scittering across the grass and road. A second firework misfired and blew up near ground level showering the crowd with sparks. Otherwise, kids and adults alike enjoyed the display and strangers gathered at the edge of the crowd. I was surprised by the number of displays nearby - at least 5 including the one in front of me were within visual range and probably more with in hearing range, but echoes made it hard to tell where.

:D Enjoy the pics. The fireworks setting on my camera has a long exposure time and doesn't actaully do a great job of shooting fireworks. Its hard to hold your hands still especially when it is so cold. So, sometimes you can see what looks like a firework, but is really a nearby lamp post.

I never managed to see Jason this week... which is too bad, since he may be gone for some time. However, having been in his situation many times, I can understand how hard it is to pack everyone into your few days of holiday.


Jennith Posted by Picasa


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Bang - Kaboom

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Ghostly Trails

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The Girlie Firecracker

All of the fireworks that did not gain great height were referred to by the crowd as girlie firecrackers. I'm not sure this was an ideal message to send - but this last one did impress even the men with how long it lasted. Posted by Picasa


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Last Call

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Measles for Maples

Cards with my brother was fun last night. I was introduced to the game "Settlers of Catan" (no garentee on the spelling) It is my new favourite board game and I can't wait until Gabe gets here so he can learn it too.

It was too wet and cold to do the gardening we wanted to do, so we cleaned the house instead. I've also made some inroads into The Davinci Code. Thats all for now.

JennPosted by Picasa

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Apologies and other missing info

A couple thoughts... First, the series of posts that I made yesterday are missing a text explaination that mysteriously didn't managed to get posted. Well, I'm not sure why, but I'm not surprised since Blogger did register an error when I posted, but I thought it was okay since the picture appeared. I think my comments have been the victem of some spamming - thus I've given in and switched on the word verification security thing that keeps computers from posting inane comments on my blog that link to poker and gambling sites. I'll try and depost them later, but right now I'm heading to my brother's for cards and I won't keep him waiting to figure out how.

As for the missing text - again - I'll have to edit it back in later. But All of the shots were taken on a bike ride that was aimed at getting a gym membership and taking pictures of stormwater infrastructure and swales. (although there seem to be an awful lot of bird and tree pictures in the 264 shots.)

The first (last in the series) is a female redwinged-blackbird - thus the comment on the next picture about her boyfriend :D who didn't appreciate my watching and shotting pictures and told me off quite vocally.

Alright, gotta go... more later.




Friday, May 19, 2006

Duck, Duck ..... Goose

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Duck Duck.... Duck - The geese are on the barrier between the forbay and the main pond

Here is a mallard duck giving me the evil eye. Posted by Picasa

Alert and ready to march

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Beware the Watchful Boyfriend

Here is a male Redwinged-blackbird. The name makes a bit more sense in his case. They have a neat, but loud call.

Of course, since my posts will be in chronological order, my blog is going to be a bit backward.

Jenn Posted by Picasa

The Nature of Things

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mmmm. Scary Sounding Stuff

I should refer you to the orinigal post on my brother's blog - I'm reposting the link here because the information is worrisome if it is true. I never even considered that it would be possible, but I'm not really a consistant follower of internet politics.

I don't like the idea of pay to send email. Although, it is probably less creepy than the Service Providers tinkering with your equal access to all parts of the web. Here is the link:

Its certainly some world we live in.


Fall at the Old Fredericton Barracks

After essentially turning my last post into a to do list for today, I thought I'd better post another picture. Especially since I really wanted to get one of Fredericton up. I'm kind of missing it today. It would be nice to walk out on the bridge. I think I might try and get downtown soon - maybe get some pictures while it is still spring.

Really - onto my to do list now :D

Jennith Posted by Picasa

April in Ruralburbs of Sussex

I just liked the colours in this picture... I can't remember if I played with it or if this is just how it came out.

Well, it still feels weird being out of New Brunswick. I've accepted that job hunting may take longer than I'd hoped and that I'll probably have to settle for a not engineering job in the interim. I'm not giving up, but I'm taking a few days to research "Knock Them Dead" resume's and cover letters and I'm looking into certification with AutoCADD or Arcview that would push my name to the top of the pile. I'm also working on HEC-RAS and SWMM and thinking about reviewing my programming. I'm even pondering doing my masters, or at least looking.

In more exciting news, I'm planning on baking banana bread, now that I've unpacked the recipe. I think I'll cook up some pumpkin chip muffins too. In the mean time, going to get a bit of exercise and and clean up the half unpacked boxes I brought up yesterday from the garage.


Jennith Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sneaky Little Budget Cuts

The photo above depicts Awenda in sepia tones. Its perhaps an odd choice for a blue landscape, but it does have a different charm in the warmth of sepia tones.

These days I'm nervous about reading the newspaper - not that this stops me, but every time I do it reveals a quiet sneaky little budget cut, many of which I can't make sense of. Today, the report I saw was cutting grants to homeowners who made renovations to their house to improve energy efficiency. While I know that there are scarce government funds to cover the wide demands of the masses, it just doesn't seem like a sensible move for this government. The conservatives are cutting its Kyoto funding for a "made in Canada" green house solution, framed in that context this cut seems counter intuitive. The Energuide program appears to be a perfect way for improve energy efficiency (thus reducing fossil fuel consumption and green house gas emissions) by giving citizens an incentive to renovate. Citizen's still foot the majority of the bill (I'm not entirely sure on the facts, but the average subsidy was about $750 - and renovations aren't cheap.) and it also pumps the economy in Canada as most renovations hire local contractors and I'd imagine purchase material in Canada. I wouldn't be surprised to see the same program reintroduced as part of the new strategy just so that the current government would get credit. Cynical, aren't I?

Here is a link to the Toronto Star Report.


Jennith Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sifting through the mysterious treasure of my basement

I'll start by admitting that I'm a hopeless packrat. I'm sitting here in a oil and paint stained Vuarnet shirt that at some point I had tie dyed yellow and pink. Once a favourite, then a favourite work shirt - but do I still need it? My last Steetsville Meadowvale soccer shirt - I was number 6 for the IGA sponsered team - should I part with it? What about the two warm shirts that I'd painted myself - they're ratty but they still fit. My highschool spirit suit is hideosous and I'd never wear it again - yet its a piece of my history and who I am. The signatures and graffetti a record of an era of my life. Then there are t-shirts of real canadian historical significance - my "Let's debate not seperate, Canada's 125th anniversary and "Kim Campbell for Primeminister" - can I let them go since I probably won't ever wear them.

I have a collection of Doe Lake T-shirts. They are mostly in rough shape after a summer of wearing them every saturday and sunday followed by a few summers of wearing them on other days. They're unique and XXL - ah what to do? My graduation sweatshirt from grade 8, my souviner washington dc tshirt that I wore like all the time in highschool. My searsfest t-shirt. And this is just clothing - never mind the junk, nicknacks and dust collectors. I found two tattered canvas knapsacks patched and covered in graffiti - again a record of my high school days. Probably both are carriers of serious grossness and neither would survive being washed. I haven't even looked at the boxes of cards, letters, papers, notebooks, drawings and schoolwork from Lakehead and highschool. I found a gift that never got sent, and a photo that was a gift from Tania Killian. Stuffed animals without names, jewelry a gr. 4 student gave me for christmas when I was a student teacher - she'll be graduating from highschool this year.

Oh, and hats - like the australlian one that my mom bought me to keep from wearing the scuzzy ball cap that I'd been wearing (both of the worst of those I haven't seen...) and miles of corking (maybe I should make that mat) and programs from plays I went to see and slippers I got at the cottage and all the bits and pieces that were a part of making me who I am that would have no value or meaning to anyone else. Sigh. So it is back to trying on clothes for me. I'm not sure whether to be glad or sorry that my parents have lived here long enough to get to this point.

Wish me luck and the will to sort the value from the nonsense.

Jennith Posted by Picasa

An Inspiring Tale

If you never thought that a single woman could make all the different in the world, ask the 10,000 children in Burundi and other war torn parts of Africa about Madam Maggy. The Globe and Mail Story tells the story of a women whom miraculously survived a civil war incident after being forced to watch 72 Hutu neighbours be brutally murdered.

Some might have spent the rest of their days frozen and traumatized, but this woman clearly gritted her teeth and did what she needed to do to save as many of the children of her country as she could. Bravo. May we all take a bit of her spirit and forget the petty stresses of our lives and rise up and make a difference in our world.


Jennith Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Waiting Patiently for the Shutter Bug

I apologize (Erin) for jepordizing my diabetic readers with my sugary sappiness.

Patient wolf waiting -
Packmate busy sniffing trees
Along the spring trail


I miss yooooooooooooooooooooooooou!


Jennith Posted by Picasa

Uphill Trout Lilies

I took this shot at Rattlesnake before Gabe returned to NB.

The other crazy big excitement this week was watching my brother in a play (The Twelth Night - 1920 style)
at the Woodlands.

It was so much deja vu. I ended up talking to Mrs. Wilkonson, the director of the last play I acted in in Highschool - new Canadian kid. She is well. I was sad that Mrs. LeRiche wasn't their, although I've heard that she's retired.

Alex was hilarious and the play was neat. Its weird to think that was us 11 years ago.

Sun sentinals stand
Demurely bowed to queen bee's
Pollination grants

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Tree Planting and Other Accomplishments


The picture above contains several trees that I actually planted. I found the call for volunteers on the Credit Valley Conservation Authority website and it was nearby. So, I was up early and out to Erindale park this morning. For the avid gardeners among you, I wouldn't recomend the soil, being a mix of clay and stones - but the people were neat.

We even got filmed and interviewed by Environment Canada. I guess the neatest part is knowing that there are a couple of trees that I helped put in the ground in my own community.

The neatest people I met had dropped in on a visit from up north. I ended up picnicing with them after the plant, and maybe even made some friends. There were mostly poplar trees, but a few white spruce and white pine too.

The other accomplishment is that I graduated (or at least made the official May 2006 graduation list) today with First Class Standing or First Division as UNB obscurely labelled graduating with honours.

Sad thoughts, Sleeman's is appartently up for sale to a big company. This makes me sad to think that all the big Canadian Beer Companies are no longer wholely Canadian - but then again, neither is Tim Horton's or Hockey these days.

Gabe is doing well with his projects. I think he is actually ahead of where he expected to be in spite of the bugs and the heat.

Hmm, my current project is to continue unpacking and sorting. Sigh. Explains why I'm blogging.

Better get back to work for now.

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Spot Out of the Rain

This local cardinal was sheltering from the rain on the downspout under the overhang of the roof until he was chased off by a grackle who took the spot over.

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Up close and personal with the trees

So much for stockpiling pictures - I just had to post this one! I guess I'll have to take some more soon to keep this blog going.

Spreading petal arms
Invite love from promiscuous
Insects - for sweet gift Posted by Picasa

Surburban Sring

It's not Algonquin Park or the Rugged shorelines north of Superior, but it still has its own charm. Despite missing the somewhat more wild trails of Fredericton, I've been glad to have somewhere to walk while I'm home that has its eye catching this moments.

I never appreciated crab apple and cherry trees until this spring - but they are spectacular and have definately added to the view in the suburbs this spring. One of the things I love about my hometown - is that the city doesn't spray for Dandilions. This irks some folks on a quest for the perfect suburban lawn, however, by and large it means more interesting views (as a biologist I'm a fan of biodiversity and don't find any plant ugly even dandy lions - although, it would cool if we promoted native species to out compete it too) and its safer than spraying poisons all over parks where children and pets are meant to play. Yeah!! I'd rather see the city spend the money on something practical - like playground equiptment or road maintence.

Next I have some research to do into doing something with our own Garden - anyone with suggestions for a species of grass that is shade and grub tolerant let me know. Wildflower seeds are apealing too.

Okay - back to work for me.

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fresh from Yamma Aight

This one is for Erin! I'd like to draw your attention to how neatly the leaves and petals line up in this shot - it took some doing to get the camera in just the right spot - never mind finding just the right Trillium.

This one is growing in a small patch of over used woods called "the Edenwood" In spite of its overuse, the Trillium still bloom in numbers not seen in some local conservation areas and more distant provincial parks. Somehow I find this reassuring, although it may simply be a result of poor biodiversity. However, at least kids aren't picking them to extinction.

I went to find Yamma Aight - being a specific place in the Edenwood, but it doesn't seem to be there or rather the defining landmarks have been partially obliterated by a new bike trail. Hard to say, perhaps it merely escaped my search. The enormous stump that was once an impressive headstone for a lighting struck (oak) tree (I think on the oak Tree - could have been a white pine too) has been reduced to a few bits and pieces. Weird how things change and stay the same.

It was certainly a plesent walk.

Good night again,

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Snap Happy Spring Days

  1. Some more intellectual thoughts. . .

    1. Reading the newspapers is not good for your optimism regarding the human race. Walking your dog can be.

    2. Not reading the newspaper is bad for your awareness of current events.

    3. Schools should do a better job of finding out students special talents and give them support in achieving them.

    4. Schools should do a better job of promoting non-academic skills at the high school level, especially for students who struggle with acedemics. But this should be focused on finding gifts, not treated as second class programs for non-academic oriented ones.

    5. Sleepy people shouldn't put opinions on their blog.


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Lighter than Air

Lighter than the air
Ready to alight the wind -
Drifters travelling

I didn't mean to press send with out writing about the first picture, but a young cardinal was trying to fly through my bed room window. Maybe I'll have to get some of those static-adhesive hawks.

All the pictures that I'm posting today were taken on the way to the bank (my excuse for leaving job hunting for a few hours on a perfect sunny afternoon - without taking the dog)

I got my butt whipped in online Canasta today by Gabe - well, it was close, but I lost. I don't know where the day went. Tomorrow is another intense job hunting day as is Friday. On Saturday, I'm volunteering to plant trees in Erindale Park and Sunday, I'm going to visit my grandmother. Friday night I'm going to see my baby brother act in the 12th night - a play at the woodlands. The first I'll have gone to see without being in it in. (I'm not usually in this part of the world during the school year. I'm tempted to look up the Sears festival in Toronto, and I'm hoping to see Ms. LeRiche at the play.

Okay, I'm going to put some more pictures up and keep writing.

Jenn Posted by Picasa

The Rose Family's Contribution to an Unusally Full Bloomed Spring

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Sorely Missed

Ah for the gulf of 1400 km between me and Sussex, NB. Here is another picture of one of my favourite people taken at Awenda Provincial Park. Gabe is busy packing, cleaning and salvaging back home. He is sorely missed, but we have lots of great plans for when he gets here.

I'm busy creating cover letters and researching various companies in the local area. Its hard work, but its left me feeling inspired about the opporunties for me in the future. If only I can land a job in my chosen field without having to do more school in the near future.

Wish me luck,

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Spring in the Forest

Here is another Rattlesnake point picture from last weekend - was that only a week ago? I've almost made a workable living space (yeah bookshelves). My computer seems to be suffering from some quirky settings after I updated some windows thing and it become exceedingly frustrating. It closes all of my open explorer windows everytime I try to open a new one, which means I'll have to job search one place at a time on the internet, it isn't going to be much fun. Sigh. Or figure out how to fix my computer. Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 05, 2006

A View to the Future

I had a wonderful walk with Kaylee today around Lake Wabakyne. I kept wishing that I had my camera so that I could take pictures of all the beautiful swales and storm water management infrastructure in our subdivision. I'm thinking I'll take some pics next time and put a CD together for Dr. Wilson.

Sigh, engineering does strange things to your brain. I'm never going to look at a lot of things without seeing them differently. I don't think I fully registered that Lake Wabakayne was a storm water pond until this year. I knew at some level, but it never really seemed important.

There were tonnes of kids on bikes by the lake, racing each other and generally being kids. Made me think about community and what my real non-career related goals were. The kind of legacy I wanted to leave behind with my life. In the middle of this musing, I noticed some of the kids had their bike upside down and were clearly frustrated. So, I helped them get their chain unjammed. They were really appreciative and polite. I remember some adult doing the same thing for me 20 odd years ago probably not too far from there.

Walking your dog seems to make you among trustworthy strangers. People said hi to me and were far more friendly than they would have been, had I been by myself. I"m sure some of this is simply Kaylee's charming manners, but I guess peopel figure that if you are doing something as normal as caring for a family pet you probably aren't packing heat or out to kill anyone. Maybe it depends on how you interact with your pet. If an animal trusts you, and you treat it well. People might pick up on this and take the dog's character reference at face value. Who knows? The long and the short of it is that I feel very strongly about wanting to be involved in my community. I want to volunteer to make it a better place. I also am glad that inspite of being in the city, people still talk to strangers, even if you need a pet to vouch for your harmlessness.

There you go, thought for the day.

Good night,


P.S. The picture was taken May 1st, 2006 on Rattlesnake Point. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Galaxie Diner - Wasaga Beach

Here is the promised picture of the diner.

Jennith Posted by Picasa

The Beginning of the Wasaga Saga

After leaving Awenda Provincial Park, we meandered down various back roads until we got to Tiny Beaches Road. At which pointed was continued meandering at a rate of 40 km/hr on a road which wasn't quite 2 lanes, but was paved.

The beach houses ranged from extravegant to old and mouldy. In some cases, blown sand from the beach had covered entire lawns and driveways, even drifting onto the road. Apparently, everyone came up to their cottage last weekend for spring cleaning. I could have furnish about 3 or 4 apartments if I'd had the inclination or a trailer to pick up the numerous couches, matresses, fridges, TV's, deck chairs etc. Although, I suppose not everything was useable. I'm glad I'm not the Garbage personnel that has to pick all that stuff up.

At this point, the sun was starting to set and we decided to keep an eye out for some quaint and memorable place to eat - like fish and chips out on the docks or something. We finally drove into the town of Wasaga Beach (pop. 3000) and finally settled on eating at the Galexie Diner. The food was excellent diner fare with real cheddar cheese melted on the burgers. We couldn't even finish the order of poutine and drink that we'd got to split between us. (Oh, we also split a milkshake of course - no problem finishing that.)

The decor was put together by a creative mind. It was colourful and included all the necessary 50's diner paraphenelia - like the large paintings of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Munroe and vinyl seats. The waiter was cheery and appears to be running the place on his own. We did take pictures, but after my battery died, so I'll have to post them after Gabe sends me the picture.

Today's news - not much. I am mostly unpacking and organizing. I built two bookshelfs to house my library of text books, field guides and novels. I'm planning on going through the websites and picking out some places to apply to tomorrow. Yesterday, I met the local Mississauga News Carrier (who has my old route) and was talking on her cell phone while delivering. I don't think discman were old when I finished my route - I had a sony sport walkmen and chronically broken headphones. I was also suprised to see a child of maybe 7 or 8 casually talking on a cellphone on the way home from school. I can still say (although I don't know for how much longer) that I've never owned a cell phone mostly because I've yet to need one enough to justify the cost. Its not that I'm against them, but it does strike me as odd to see them being used by young children. When I was young, rotary dial phones were still the norm - and I'm not even old yet. Funny how things change.

Well, I'd better get back to unpacking, cleaning and cover letter writing.

Jennith Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fourth Beach - Cuspy Spring

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White Trillium at Awenda Park in May

Triumph over shade
Light captured in spring before
Leafy umbrella Posted by Picasa

Better Picture of Round Lobed Hepatica

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Round Lobed Hepatica

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Looking back on First Beach

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View From 1st Beach

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Dutchman's Breeches

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Wistful and Wild Awenda Provincial Park

If you took exit 121 off of highway 400 and traveled west on the 93 past Midland and past Penatanguishine then followed the Ontario Provincial Park Signs, you would discover a gem of a park nestled on the peninsula. Awenda is 2,915 Ha of mostly hardwood forest edged with sand and rock beaches like the one depicted above.

Arriving during that cusp in spring, the hardwood forest floor is annoited with some of the showiest and biologically interesting plants in North America. My long standing favourite (being at heart an Ontarioite) are the Red and White Trilliums that scatter the forest floor with their tidy three petalled blooms, which have been in the works for 7 years. Another neat fact about Trilliums is that their seeds are dispersed by ants (Best of the Raven, Friends of Algonquin Park). They have "oily handles" that bribe the ants to carry the seeds back to their hills, where the handles are eaten and the seeds discarded. Red Trilliums are pollinated by carrion flies attracted to the flower by "its colour and carrion odor". (Forest Plants of Central Ontario)

After going hiking 2 days in a row without my handy-dandy, well abused copy of Forest Plants of Central Ontario, I was still able (with the help of the photo above) to identify a new-to-me plant - Round Lobed Hepatica (I'll have to check the photo again - it may be blunt lobed - "distinguished by its pointed lobes"- go figure). Dutchmen's Breeches (see photo above) wins the award for most entertainingly named plant.

As for the trail, it was easy going and free of roots and rocks. The trees were largely maple, oak and beech, standing like pillars amongst large glacial accidentals (big boulders left behind by the glaciers). The beaches were stunning. The sand is white and clean (and warm on a 24 C day) and the rocks in the water looked like crooked dinosaur teeth. There are 5 beaches, including one set aside for pets. Each was different, but the first and the last were the most photogenic.

You can see that they are continuing to upgrade the park. New bathrooms and changes houses mingled with older ones, while many facilities including an amphitheatre were clearly new. We didn't get a chance to visit the kettle lake or any of the campgrounds owing to the fact that the park isn't set to open until May 10th, 2005. I would love to go back there to camp in the fall. It sounds like they have quite a bit of camping and even showers.So, we thoroughly enjoyed our hike and took over 100 photos between us. I am suprised that I had never even heard of this park until I went looking for something to do near Barrie. Its not enormous, but it is pretty and quite different that many of the parks I've been to. I would definately recommend it if you wanted somewhere to hang out on the beach (not sure if it would make great swimming) and a few short trails. I imagine that it could get busy in the summer, we were lucky to have the place to ourselves.

I'll post a few more pictures from Awenda, and then continue my saga tommorrow.



Tuesday, May 02, 2006

And Our Paths Diverge

Gabe is back on the road heading home, and I'm about to start studying for my exam - which I will hopefully write this afternoon - so I won't have time to miss him until after I write it.

Yesterday, we went up north to check out Georgian and Barrie. Then we went to Awenda Provincial Park which will be the subject of my next blog - once I get all of the photos off of my camera (battery died). I'll just say here that it is a well kept secret and an absolute gem of a park. The red Trillium above was photographed there along with an assortment of spring wildflowers.

But enough for now, I'll write more on our trip tonight - and take my lonely stretch of road in stride. Hopefully I can get all the messy unpacking stuff done before Gabe comes back.


Jennith Posted by Picasa